The Holland Township Police Department 911 Coordinator uses GPS coordinates when assigning your street address or house number.  These measurements are standardized to assist emergency vehicles in quickly responding to calls. Prior to applying, you must speak with the Land Use Administrator. (908) 995-0057

In order to obtain a number for a new house on a township or county road, please submit the below application with a site plan showing the house(s) and driveway(s) location for a private or public road. There is no fee for obtaining a house number for a private or public road.

Once your application has been submitted, the Holland Township Police will notify you of your new house number or street name.  As the homeowner or contractor, it is your responsibility to place your house number conspicuously so first responders can easily see it.  Clear and well-posted house numbers will always help emergency responders get to your home.

If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact the department at (908) 995-2804.

Click here to Download the Application