Natural Resource Inventory - March 2007
1: Introduction
2: Climate, Meteorology and Air Quality
3: Physiography, Topography and Geology
4: Soils
5: Ground Water
6: Surface Water
7: Biological Resources
8: Open Space & Farmland
9: Historic Resources
10: Regional Relationships
11: Appendices:
Arsenic Information - - http://www.state.nj.us/dep/dsr/arsenic/guide.htm
DEP guidance regarding plastic bags
Stormwater Structures & Mosquitoes
Tick Encounter Resource Center
NJ Department of Enviromental Protection
Musconetcong Watershed Association
Hunterdon County Farmland Preservation Program
U.S. Department of Environmental Protection (EPA)
New Jersey Clean Energy Program
New Jersey Conservation Foundation
The Native Plant Society of New Jersey