Environmental Commission

The Holland Township Environmental Commission serves as an advisory body to the Township Committee on natural resource planning and protection, open space issues, and in areas of environmental concern such as: pollution prevention and control, solid waste management, noise control and environmental appearance.  An increasingly important role of the Environmental Commission is to promote community awareness of the Township’s many and varied natural resources, including Township and County trails, our forest and wildlife resources, and the threat of destructive pest infestations (e.g., the Spotted Lanternfly).  The Environmental Commission seeks to promote environmentally sustainable practices in the home, in the garden and in the planning of new commercial and/or residential infrastructure in the township. 

Achievements of 2024 Goals

Environmental Resources

The Environmental Resources link above is where to find a plethora of information on the following topics -

  • Trails of Holland
  • Trees of Holland
  • Birds of Holland


 Michael Keady  12/31/2025
 Tony Rizzello  12/31/2026
 Michael Whitman  12/31/2026
 Regina Barna  12/31/2026
 David Harriso  12/31/2024
 Dwight Pederson  12/31/2024
 Davina Lapczynski  12/31/2024

Chairperson: Michael Keady
Secretary: Maria Elena Jennette Kozak
Land Use Board Liaison: Michael Keady
Township Committee Liaison: Duane Young
Recycling Liaison: Robert Thurgarland

§ 7-2. Membership
A Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the Mayor, for terms of three years one of whom shall also be a member of the Planning Board and all of whom shall be residents of the Township of Holland.

C. The Mayor shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman and presiding officer of the Commission.
§ 7-5. Records; annual report.
The Environmental Commission shall keep records of its meetings and activities and make an annual report to the Township Committee.
§ 7-7. Studies and recommendations. [Amended 5-20-1974]
The Environmental Commission shall have the power to study and make recommendations concerning open-space preservation, water resources management, air-pollution control, solid waste management, noise control, soil and landscape protection, environmental appearance, marine resources and protection of flora and fauna.


Michael Keady
Maria Elena Jennette Kozak
Davina Lapczynski

Musconetcong River Management Council with the Musconetcong Watershed Association

Dwight Pederson

Posters in PDF format. Click on the image you wish to open.

litter postercarwashpetwaste


Michael Keady
Maria Elena Jennette Kozak
EC Secretary

Meetings 1st Wednesday of the Month